Preparing for a Child Custody Case

The 2011, 13th Edition is Shipping Now

Over the years you have gained volumes of valuable information about many of the challenges we will face in life.

The first challenge we face is learning socialization. This starts in the home and moves into the day care or school environment. The Most of us are lucky enough to have parents, guardians, teachers and more mature children who help us through the rocky places. We think of the early lessons as less difficult. This is probably because we just don't remember the stress from so long ago.

The next challenge we are aware of is when we move into the job market place. Those stresses we remember more clearly. However, a large amount of our socialization and schooling was designed to prepare us for the employment phase of our lives.

Another challenge is finding a life partner. Socialization, and even employment challenges help prepare us for understanding our need for a partner and what we desire in that person.

Nothing in life provides you with the information you need to meet the challenge of fighting for custody of your children.

None of the previous challenges prepare us for a child custody war. To live with a life partner and prepare to fight that person for contact with your children would doom what could be a very rewarding relationship.

Therefore, preparing to go to court to gain or maintain contact with your children is going to be one of the most difficult and important challenges of your life.

Win Your Child Custody War provides:

  • Explanations
  • Examples
  • Options
  • and The Largest Number of Topics of Interest available in any form.

Prepare - Practice - Present the best possible case ...

Win Your Child Custody War is Special Result Oriented Information

Helping Children and Parents since 1992